Member-only story
3 Ways to Replenish Your Energy
and boost your mood
January sucks.
And I say that as someone who really looks forward to getting back into a routine and doubling down on goals and intentions after the fun, chaos, and self-indulgence that mark the last six weeks of the year. It’s a relief (for me, at least) to leave that behind and return to focus and productivity. Getting stuff done feels GOOD. But it can also be hard.
And for many, the transition back to reality can suck the joy right out of life. I’ve heard January described as “one tough, long Monday” and January 24th has officially been designated the most depressing day of the year. Lovely.
Why is this month so hard? Three reasons:
First, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, you’re probably facing dark, cold, dreary days without the festivities that lighten things up. Seasonal Affective Disorder can easily set in between the lack of sunlight/vitamin D and the natural desire to hibernate — i.e., you want to move around and deal with people as little as possible.
Second, you’re dealing with the effects of last month. Maybe you spent too much or ate too much. Maybe you’re missing family or remembering difficult moments. Bills roll in. Tax prep starts. Policies change in the office. There’s a lot to deal with this month.