Take Ownership of Your Life
When was the last time you said, “I should…”?
That word sets off alarm bells in my mind. It’s a sign that instead of owning your decisions and living according to your values, you are making choices according to someone else’s values. It could be those of a parent or a friend or society as a whole. But “should” signals that the impetus comes from outside yourself.
You’re the one living your life. You’re the one that has to get up every morning and face the life you created. You’re the one that has to deal with the consequences of every “no” and every “yes” you say.
Get to know your values. Make decisions accordingly. Own your choices and their consequences.
Some of your actions may end up being the same. But your experience will be different. Instead of feeling burdened, pressured, and helpless, you’ll feel congruent, empowered, and free.
You’ll sense more peace and power when you let go of “should” and live according to your own values.
Change your communication, change your life.
I’m Rachel Beohm, a writer, speaker, and coach. Through nonverbal communication, I empower clients to show up as their biggest, boldest selves.
If you’d like tips on how to do that yourself, sign up here for “21 Days to Build a Better Life.” It’s a FREE 3-week email coaching program that I wrote to help you change your communication and your life.