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When & How to Interrupt
Sometimes you need to interrupt. Here’s how to do so with confidence and respect.
In general… don’t interrupt. In one-on-one conversations and group settings, listen attentively and take turns talking. Don’t monopolize conversations, speak over others, or impatiently finish their sentences.
Sometimes, though, you do need to interrupt — the key word being “need.” Interrupting is appropriate and even helpful in certain circumstances, especially when done respectfully. For example, please do interrupt in these cases:
To Correct an Error
Don’t go around correcting everyone on every little thing. That’s super annoying! (At least, that’s what friends tell me when I correct their grammar, ha.) When a mistake or misunderstanding can lead to huge problems down the road, you owe it to others to interrupt and alert them.
To Request Clarity
If you don’t understand what someone is saying, interrupt and ask a question. Don’t just smile and nod. In a group setting, if you need clarification, chances are others do, too.
To Refocus
If you’re leading a presentation or meeting, it’s your responsibility to keep track of time and content. When the discussion gets off in the weeds or you’re low on time, stop the…