You may hear, but do you listen?
When was the last time you listened to someone?
I don’t mean the last time you heard words being spoken, or the last time you waited patiently (or not) for someone to finish speaking, or the last time you nodded politely and let your mind wander while someone spoke.
Nor do I mean the last time you paid close attention to someone in order to know exactly how to refute their argument.
When was the last time you shut off your mental chatter, leaned in softly, and listened with curiosity and an intent to learn?
When was the last time you were changed by what you heard? If it’s been a long time… you’re not listening.
Practice letting go of your judgment and preconceived notions and giving another person the gift of your attention. The rewards are incomparable.
Change your communication, change your life.
I’m Rachel Beohm, a writer, speaker, and coach. Through nonverbal communication, I empower clients to show up as their biggest, boldest selves.
If you’d like tips on how to do that yourself, sign up here for “21 Days to Build a Better Life.” It’s a FREE 3-week email coaching program that I wrote to help you change your communication and your life.